Keith Russell wins the Summer League
After a close final round of the Summer League that saw Keith and Colin battle it out for the top spot, it couldn't have been much...
Mike Perry wins Match 6
Only 8 turned up for the latest grueller I this summer league. It started to rain as soon as we started to fish and stopped as the hooter...

Jimmy does it again
Loughgall Summer League Match 5 What a grueller. Looking at the results it certainly made a difference if you had a ripple on the water....

Jimmy takes the honours this week for Match 4
11 turned up to a calm and sunny Agivey all wondering if Pauls words of wisdom were to be true or not. Unfortunately he was correct, no...

Keith is on a roll
Although a much better day, the Agivey still managed to throw up the wind challenge to all anglers who competed in todays latest round of...

Summer League Match 2
Although the water had dropped to near summer levels, still no sign of spring at the Agivey. As usual a brisk wind blew, from the north...